Well, Catalyst is over. We are on our way home and my head is full of thoughts and my heart is full of emotions. I know it will take some time for me to process – let alone begin implementing many of the things God has shared this week.
But enough of my philosophical pandering. Let me give you some of the highlights from the last day of Catalyst.
It was a day of touching moments.
Like the young man from Kenya whose life was transformed at the age of seven when he was able to join a Compassion International project and received a sponsor – a twenty year old Canadian named Mark who shared the gospel with him in a sponsor letter. This young man, who is now a Bible college student hoping to return to Kenya to share the gospel, stood on the stage and read this nineteen year old letter. Just moments later, the Catalyst team brought out his sponsor, an attendee of this Catalyst conference, to meet for the first time. As you can imagine – a very touching moment.
Or like the surprise guest of Mac Powell from Third Day as he shared about his family’s adoption of an African-American boy. It was wonderful to see the love as his wife and little Emmanuel joined him on stage. And then in a surprise for Mac, Catalyst brought out an African children’s choir and asked him to sing “Mighty To Save” with them. Very touching.
Then there was the lifetime achievement award for Charles Swindoll with a touching video message from his older sister. Or the Guinness World Record Breaking Event of Dr. Splash jumping over three stories into a foot of water. (He made it!) And of course touching for me, lots of U2 props – quoted by Louie Giglio and two covers played by the band!
But as with the first day, amid all of the varied speakers and events, there was a strong central message. You come to an event like this expecting to get all of these revolutionary thoughts and practical ideas to make your life so much better/greater/bigger/faster. And there were some of those things. But the resounding message yesterday was it is all about seeing and reflecting the face of Jesus. So I am challenged as I come home to remember it is about who I am leading people to much more than about how I lead.
There I go getting all philosophical again. So let me stop there and share with you the words that grabbed me yesterday so you can share your own responses:
“When God interrupts our life and gives us direction, will we go?” –Priscilla Shirer
“We need to stop praying safe prayers all the time.” –Priscilla Shirer
“Looking ahead and celebrating something I haven’t earned is greed.” –Dave Ramsey
“Pour intensity into things that really matter.” –Dave Ramsey
“When God wants to do an impossible task, He takes an impossible person and crushes them!” – Chuck Swindoll quoting Alan Redpath
“Dude! To us you’re the Godfather!” –Chuck Swindoll quoting the Catalyst team member who called him and asked him to speak
“Everything in life is about Jesus.” –Louie Giglio
“We don’t have enough people walking around with the beauty of the Son of God on their face.” –Louie Giglio
“The enemy already cut the head off the church, killed it and hung it on a tree. That didn’t stop the church. What else can the enemy do?” –Louie Giglio
“Friends know your flaws but love you anyway – believing the best.” –Andy Stanley
Can’t wait to see you all soon! God bless.
3 hours ago
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