I've been thinking a lot about legacy this week.
It all really started when I went to Margaret Boggs' funeral. As I watched the pictures of her and her five children and listened to her son Randy and grandson Randell sharing about her faith and the impact it had on their life, it made me think of my own family. It made me think of how much Randy and his children have impacted my life. It made me think how far a legacy can go.
..And it made me think of what a huge responsibility it is.
On Saturday, our church had a ladies' conference and at one point they asked for who was the oldest lady in the room and determined that it was my wife's grandmother who is in her mid-nineties. And then they asked who was the youngest and found it to be my daughter Shiloh who is just seven. And it just made me realized how truly blessed I have been to enter into a family with a legacy of faith.
But as I read Deuteronomy 6, I realize this responsibility is now in my hands:
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (Deut 6:6-7 ESV)
For me this week has been a reminder and an encouragement that I need to be diligent in passing on my faith by word AND example to the children I have been blessed with.
How about you. What kind of a legacy are you a part of? What are you passing on to others?
4 hours ago
I feel like the legacy in my family has been abuse, divorce, etc. I know that it is now Ryan and I's job as believers to change the continuing legacy and make it into something positive and set a foundation for faith before we have children.
When we have kids I want to pass on that belief, to raise them to be who they are, show them love, be a shoulder to cry on, to answer their questions about life and love, etc. :)
Thats the legacy I'm a part of. All I want is to pass on love to others, and if they can't or won't accept that, pass them on to someone who can or will. :)
Thanks for sharing Brittany. I know that for me it was so upside down to marry into a family that has such a legacy. They have been such a blessing and inspiration for me!
I, like you guys, continually pray that God would help Shannon and I to be successful and to pass on a legacy of faith to our kids.
God bless.
I was amazed at reading this post as it was posted when I was in deep thought about the legacy my family has left in our home church. We celebrated 100 years at FBC Macks Creek and my great grandfather is pictured in the first revival being baptized in the creek. I thought about how his decision that day changed the course of our family forever. I sat in church and learned that my Great Grandmother(his wife) is the oldest living member of the church and it made me proud. It made me think about how I want that for my children and grandchildren. I want a legacy that speaks more about God's plans than my own.
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