I feel like we are always being bombarded with negative news. Awful statistics. Violent tragedies. Depressing outlook for this new generation. But I don't think that is the whole picture. I wanted to take just a moment to share with you some of the really encouraging things I've seen this week:
*dozens of teenagers donating their time after school to help clean up the elderly
living apartments on Mill Street. These young men and women have worked hard and
been faithful even when the temperatures dropped on Wednesday. They also took the
time to talk to and help some of the residents.
*Our youth ministry getting excited about giving to the needy world-wide this
Christmas. In just two weeks, our teenagers have already given $200 towards the
needs of children in foreign countries.
*A large team of adults who have been willing to give their time and money to
making these projects with our teens successful. As I have not been able to be at
the apartments after school, it has been so amazing for me to have these committed
adults helping out.
*A young man telling me in a lengthy conversation how he is seeking truth and
answers and attempting to make his faith his own.
*A young lady trying to follow God's direction for her life amid many struggles.
This list could go on. Sometimes, with all the negative press we read and hear, we wonder about this generation and where our world is going. But I believe if we open our eyes, we will see how God is raising up those in this generation who love Him and are going to make a difference in this world. Will you rejoice in these encouragements with me by continuing to pray for God to change the hearts and lives of us all!
19 hours ago