How do you find a cleverly crafted, well-designed wardrobe piece that also accurately reflects a very personal, intimate relationship with your Creator?
Well, if you are part of 180 Youth Ministry, you do it by designing your own! Last night we took some time to develop T-Shirt ideas and now we have to decide which design is worthy of becoming a reality.
First of all, before we begin the voting process, I just want to say I was very encouraged and impressed with, not only the high level of creativity from EVERY group, but also the sincere faith that was displayed by your designs. I am so blessed to be the pastor of such a deep & diverse group of young people. I am constantly amazed by your faith and authenticity. I cannot wait to see the things that God is going to do through your lives!
And now for the contest. Here are the 10 designs from last night.
#1 "God Loves The Simmons"
#2 "My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad"
#3 Jesus Maze
#4 "I Love Cheese!"
#5 "Where Is My Sanity? The Squirrels Took It!"
#6 "Lifeguard JESUS"
#7 "DISCIPLESHIP - Not Just A Ship Full of Disciples!"
#8 "I Heart Jesus - Jesus Freak 01"
#9 "Jesus Walks With..."
#10 Jesus Face
Now, you need to vote for your favorite design. Just comment on this blog with the number of your choice, or text the number to 417-693-5622. We need all the votes in by next Tuesday, June 17th. The winner will be announced in the service next Wednesday and then we will work on getting the design created as an actual t-shirt! Happy voting!
Probably I can say with this blog make, more some interesting topics.
Yutarets! kasagad bah!
Amber votes for #7!
And Jenna votes for #2!
I've collected the best Christian T-shirts I found in here:
Personally, I would prefer those apologetics figures such as Dinoglyfs documented by teh ancient man few thousands years ago. Unfortunately, they are not sold anywhere...
Or do you happen to know a site for "apolo-wear"?
A recent book "Understanding Intelligent Design" by William Dembski and Sean McDowell, son of Josh McDowell is now available.
The book is geared at Christian young people (junior high and high schoolers) as well as for Church groups (e.g., Sunday Schools) to help get out the word about ID, Intelligent Design. A MOST REVEALING INSIGHT FROM ITS FIRST CHAPTER:
"A few years back, skeptic Michael Shermer wrote a book called
How We Believe. For it he commissioned a poll of thousands of
people. He asked participants why other people believe in God. The
most popular answers focused on religious benefits: God comforts
us, provides the basis for living a moral life, gives purpose to our
lives, and is the source of meaningful religious experiences.
Then Shermer asked participants why they personally believe
in God. The number one answer changed drastically. The most
common response was the design and complexity of the world.
Our natural tendency, it would seem, is to believe the world was
Confessing Christian,
evolutionary critic
Biochemist, drop-out so called
(MSci-Master of Sciing)
Helsinki, Finland
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