Thursday, October 28, 2010

After much anticipation...

...I introduce to you Ruth Elizabeth Elliott!!

Little Ruthie joined our clan on September 27th a little after 10 A.M. in the morning. She has brought much joy/adjustment/wonder/unscheduleness to our lives.

Now that she is a month old, we are beginning to return to some routine.


Thank you to everyone for your prayers, gifts, thoughts, kind words and patience as we have celebrated this new life God has brought to us.

I am looking forward to many awesome days with Ruth and sharing many of the life lessons she teaches me here on the blog:)

God bless.


Dave Farquhar said...

Wow, congrats!

My youngest is just a few months older than yours now. He's at the stage that I would consider "almost normal. Almost." If your hair's not constantly frazzled at 1 month, color me impressed. But you do have more experience than I have.

180 Youth Ministry said...


Thanks for the "congrats".

And I think "constantly frazzled" may be the new normal for us, so I don't know if experience really has that much to do with it;)

Glad to hear from you!