And right now it is...GROOVESHARK.COM.
For those of you still in the darkness (like I was until recently), Grooveshark is an online music listening tool which allows you to search their nearly exhaustive catalog of music, listen to that one song you can't get out of your mind, or make custom playlists.
...so I've been making some playlists!
Most recently I made the "Bad-One-Hit-Wonder-Dance-Music-from-the-Late-80s" list and the "Thought-Provoking-Emotionally-Stirring-Mainstream-Alternative-Where-Are-They-Now-Groups-From-the-Early-90s" list.
Good stuff.
I actually said that out loud while listening to these lists.
Several times.
Which prompted my wife to say, "I think this means you are getting old."
See, we've long had this theory that when a person gets stuck in an era of fashion or music or media that is the sign they have gotten old. That they have stopped making progress and decided, at whatever level of consciousness, that mullets and bon jovi tshirts will ALWAYS be the right choice.
These are the people we shake our heads at (or make lucrative yet exploitative websites featuring candid photographs of them...but I don't know who would do something that mean.)
I have fought long and hard against becoming that person...
But this week I have a new plan.
See, since I've started making these playlists, an amazing thing has happened in my house - my kids LOVE IT!
They come from the four corners of our home to dance their hearts out with me. They close their eyes at the meaningful parts. We laugh together.
Just a couple nights ago, my two-year old son Isaac began humming the tune and rhythm to "Ice, Ice Baby!"
Completely out of the blue!
And it was at this beautiful moment that my new plan hatched.
I'll bring back my favorite music.
I'll shape a new generation by exposing them on a regular basis to the things I truly love. I'll make the old new. And, if I do it well, they will think they discovered it themselves.
So, what do you think? Are you ready to help me change a generation?