Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Are You Reading...?

We showed this video at church service last night.

It is part of our renewed emphasis on Bible literacy. We are kicking this emphasis off with our current Wednesday night teaching series on what it REALLY looks like to be a follower of Christ.

Last night was week two of this series, and as the young man leading the series walked us through most of the book of Job, I was moved by all of the young people huddled around Bibles in ones, twos or threes reading along in the Word.

If you were there, I would love to hear your feedback.
If you are reading the Bible in a renewed way, I'd love to hear about it
(and even feature you in an upcoming MyBible video if you would be interested!)

God bless.

1 comment:

Nathan Stitt said...

They mentioned this AM that the men will be doing the Revelation study on Tuesday nights as well now. I gave Betsy the money for the study book and will be joining them. We'll be putting aside our study of 1 Cor. and picking up Revelation. I've been interested in Gordon Fee's new commentary on this book and I'll probably order it from Amazon later today.